They won't sit down and wait for relief. Beeldvorming van interne migratie in de Verenigde Staten 1935-1941. (Sammy Claeys)


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RSC, Congressional Record 1929 – 1942, Washinghton D.C., Government printing office.

RSC, Hearings before the select committee to investigate the interstate migration of destitute citizens .  House of Representatives 76th congress, 3th session pursuant to H. Res 63 and H Res 491.  Resolutions to inquire into the interstate migration of destitute citizens, to study, survey and investigate the social and economic needs and the movement of indigent persons across state lines, Government printing office,  Washington 1940-1941, 4245p.

            Part 1, Hearings July 29, 30 and 31 1940 New York city
            Part 2, Hearing August 14,15 and 16 1940 Montgomery
            Part 3, Hearing August 19, 20 and 21 1940 Chicago
            Part 4, Hearing Sept. 16, 17 1940 Lincoln
            Part 5, Hearing Sept. 19,20 1940 Oklahoma
            Part 6, Hearing Sept. 24, 25, 1940 San Francisco
            Part 7, Hearing Sept. 28 1940, Los Angeles
            Part 8, Hearing Nov. 29 and Dec. 23 1940, Washington D.C.
            Part 9, Hearing Dec 5,6,9 and 10 1940 Washington D.C.
            Part 10, Hearing Dec 11 and Febr. 26 1941 Washintong D.C.

UFSIA, Report of the select committee to investigate the interstate migration of destitute citizens House of Representatives.  Persuant to H. Res 63, 491, 629 ( 76th congress) and H. Res 16 (77th congress).  Resolution to inquire into the interstate migration of destitute citizens, to study survey and investigate the social and economic needs and the movement of indigent persons across state lines, 77th congress, 1st session, report 369, Washington DC, government printing office, 1941, 741 p.

UFSIA, 6th interim report. House of Representatives 77th congress, 1 sess, pursuant to H. Res. 113 a resolution to inquire further into interstate migration of citizens, emphasing the present and potential consequences of the migration caused by the national defense program,  Changes needed for effective mobilization of manpower, 77th congress, 2th session, report 2589, Washington DC, US government printing office, 1942, 43p.

UFSIA, Report of the select committee investigating national defense migration House of Representatives pursuant to H.Res 113. A resolution to inquire further into the interstate migration of citizens, emphasing the present and potential consequences of the migration caused by the national defense program.  Prelimary report and recommendations on problems of evacuation of citizens and aliens from military areas,77th congress, 2th session, report no 1911, Washinghton D.C., Government printing office, 1942, 33 p.

UFSIA, 4th interim report of the select committee investigating national defense migration.  House of Representatives 77th congress 2th session pursuant to H.Res 113.  [..]Findings and recommendations on problems of evacuation of citizens and aliens from prohibited military zones.77th congress, 2th session, report no 2124, Wash DC, US Gov. printing office, 1942, 362p.

UFSIA, Final report of the select committee investigating national defense migration House of  Representatives 77th confress 2th session pursuant to H.Res. 113 A resolution to inquire further into interstate migration of citizens, emphasing the present and potential consequences of the migration caused by the national defense program,78th congress, 1st session, Report no. 3, Washington D.C., U.S. Government printing office, 1943, 24 p.

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