20 jaar voorzorgsprincipe in het milieubeleid. Milieuethische en Sociaalwetenschappelijke Perspectieven. (Maarten Van den Eynde) |
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BAT: Best Available Technics
CBD: Convention on Biodiversity
ESAF: Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility
FAO: Food and Agricultural Organization
HDI: Human Development Index
IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and development
ILA: International Law Association
ILO: International Labour Organization
IMF: International Monetary Found
INGO: International Non Governmental Organization
NGO: Non Governmental Organization
PGRF: Poverty growth reduction facility
PP: Preventieprincipe
SAF: Structural Adjustment Facility
UNCED: United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
UNDP: United Nations
UNFCCC: United Nations
UNGA: United Nations General Assembly
VP: Voorzorgsprincipe
WSSD: World Summit on Sustainable Development
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