Homerische invloeden in de Koninklijke tombes te Vergina? (Catharina Boullart)


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(1) Gebruikte literatuur:


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 * The evidence for the identity of the royal tomb at Vergina, Philip II, Alexander the Great and the Macedonian heritage, Washington, 1982, p. 111-127.

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 * Ilias & Odyssee, uitgeverij Ambo bv, Baarn/Athenaeum- Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam, 1986, blz. 680.

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(2) Geraadpleegde literatuur:


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 * Thessalonike Museum, Ekdotike Athenon S.A., Athens, 1993, blz. 79.

 * Deus stèles funéraires grecques de Vergina, B.C.H. 79, 1955, p. 87-101.

 * The royal tomb of Philip II: an unlooted Macedonian grave at Vergina, Archaeology 31, nr. 5, 1978, p. 33-41.

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A.A.: Archäologische Anzeiger.



A.J.A.: The American Journal of Archaeology.

A.J.Ph.: American Journal of Philology.

Anc.World: Ancient World.

Ann. Pisa: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.

B.C.H.: Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique.

B.S.A.: The Annual of the British School at Athens.

Dial.Hist.Anc.: Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne.

Gr.Rom.Byz.St.: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies.

J.H.S.: The Journal of Hellenic Studies.

T.A.Ph.A.: Transaction (and proceedings) of the American Phililogical Association.


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