Ptolemaeïsch Egypte voor de Romeinse verovering. Onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische situatie op het einde van de tweede en het begin van de eerste eeuw v.C. tot de Romeinse verovering in 30 v.C. (Delphine Deleersnyder) |
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Anc. Soc. = Ancient Society (Leuven).
Ant. Class. = L’Antiquité classique (Louvain-la-Neuve).
AfP = Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete (Leipzig).
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BICS = Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (Londen).
BIFAO = Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale (Caïro).
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CAH = The Cambridge Ancient History (Cambridge).
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Enchoria = Enchoria (Wiesbaden).
FGH = F.JACOBY, Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker, Leiden, 1961-…
Hundred-Gated Thebes = Acts of a Colloquium on Thebes and the Theban area in the Graeco-roman Period (P.L.Bat. 27), ed. S.P.VLEEMING, Leiden, 1995.
Gnomon = Gnomon (Berlijn tot 1943, Munchen 1950).
IFAO = Institut français d’archéologie orientale (Caïro).
JEA = Journal of Egyptian Archeology (Londen).
JJP = Journal of Juristic Papyrology (Varsovie).
JRS = Journal of Roman Studies (Londen).
Karnak = Cahiers de Karnak (Parijs).
Kleio = Kleio (Leuven).
Life in a Multicultural Society = Life in a Multicultural Society. Egypt from Cambyses to Constantin and Beyond (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 51), ed. JANET H.JOHNSEN, Chicago, 1992.
P.L.Bat. = Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava (Leiden).
PM = B.PORTER - R.L.B.MOSS, Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptological Hieroglyphic Text, Reliefs and Paintings, I-VII, Oxford, 1927-1962: 2° ed. I-III, 1960-1981.
PP = W.PEREMANS - E.VAN‘t DACK, Prosopographia Ptolemaica, I-IX (Stud. Hell. 6-25), Leuven, 1950-1981.
Ptolemaica Selecta = Ptolemaica Selecta. Etudes sur l’armée et l’administration lagides, (Stud.Hell. 29), Leuven, 1988.
RBPH = Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire (Brussel).
RdE = Revue d’égyptologie (Parijs).
REG = Revue des études grècques (Parijs)
RFIC = Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica (Turijn).
RIDA = Revue internationale des droits de l’Antiquité (Brussel).
SEHHW = M.ROSTOVZEFF, The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World (I-III), Oxford, 1941.
Stud.Hell. = Studia Hellenistica (Leuven).
Studia Papyrologica Varia = Studia Papyrologica Varia (P.L.Bat. 14), ed. E.BOSWINKEL-P.W.PESTMAN-P.J.SIJPESTEIJN, Leiden, 1965,
War of Sceptres = E.VAN‘t DACK-W.CLARYSSE-G.COHEN-J.QUAEGEBEUR-J.K.WINNICKI, The Judean-Syrian-Egyptian Conflict of 103-101 B.C. A multilingual dossier concerning a ‘War of Sceptres’ (Collectanea Hellenistica I), Brussel, 1989.
ZÄS = Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (Leipzig).
ZPE = Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (Bonn).
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