Latijnse epigrafische poëzie uit de republiek. Repertorium, vertaling en studie. (Wouter Keuleers) |
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Alle periodieken worden afgekort zoals in L' Année Philologique; standaardwerken zoals in Oxford Classical dictionary.
Werken geciteerd met een afkorting:
TALBERT, BAGNAL, DOWNS edd. (2000) |
Barrington atlas of the Greek and Roman World. Princeton, New Jersey |
KRUSCHWITZ P. (2002) |
Carmina Saturnia Epigraphica. Einleitung, Text und Kommentar zu den saturnischen Versinschriften. Stuttgart |
DS |
DAREMBERG Ch., SAGLIO E. (1877-1919) |
Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines d’après les monuments. Paris |
Gaffiot |
GAFFIOT F. (1934) |
Dictionnaire illustré. Latin – Français. Paris |
GL |
Latin grammar. Bristol / Londen |
HERZOG R., SCHMIDT P. L., SUERBAUM W. edd. (2002) |
Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike. Band 1: Die archaische Literatur von den Anfängen bis Sullas Tod. München |
Larousse |
GRAVES R. intr., ALDINGTON R., DELANO A.vert. (1968) |
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. London / New york / Sydney / Toronto. [Vertaling van GUIRAND F., ed. Larousse Mythologie Générale. Paris] |
LGr |
Lateinische Grammatik. Laut- und Formenlehre, Syntax und Stilistik. München |
NP |
CANCIK H., SCHNEIDER H., edd. (1996 ss.) |
Der neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike. Stuttgart / Weimar |
OCD³ |
The Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford³ (Sommige verwijzingen naar OCD²: HAMMOND, SCULLARD, edd, 1972) |
GLARE P.G.W. ed. (1982) |
Oxford Latin Dictionnary. Oxford |
RE |
Paulys Realencyclopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Stuttgart / München |
(1904 ss.) |
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. Lipsiae |
TLO² |
PERIN J. (1913/1920) |
Totius Latinitatis Onomasticon. Bologna [= deel V en VI van FORCELLINI E. (1965/1966) Totius Latinitatis Lexicon]. (Sommige verwijzingen nog naar TLO, 1ste ed. 1864/1920) |
Wolters |
MULLER F, RENKEMA E. H., LEEMAN A. D. edd. (1967) |
Beknopt Latijns – Nederlands woordenboek. Groningen – Leuven |
DIEHL E. (1964) |
Attlanteinische Inschriften. Berlijn |
DIEHL E. (1912) |
Inscriptiones Latinae.(Tabulae in usum scholarum). Bonn |
CIL I² |
ss.) |
Inscriptionum Latinarum. Inscriptiones Latinae Antiquissimae ad C. Caesaris
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FREY J. B. (1975) |
Corpus of Jewish Inscriptions. New York. [ = Heruitgave van Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum, Città del Vaticano, 1936. Verwijzing naar ed. 1975] |
BÜCHELER F. (1895 ss) |
Carmina Latina Epigrapica. Lipsiae. I = 1895; II = 1897; III = 1926 [Supplementum curavit LOMMATZSCH E.] (Herdruk Amsterdam 1972) |
ENGSTRÖM E. (1912) |
Carmina Latina Epigrapica post Editam Collectionem Buechelerianam in lucem prolata. Göteborg. |
I. I., 1,3 |
Inscriptiones Italiae.vol I, fasc.3. Rome |
IG |
Inscriptiones Graecae. Berlijn |
CAGNAT R. ed. (1906-27) |
Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas Pertinentes. Parijs |
DEGRASSI A. (1957-1963) |
Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae. Firenze, I = 1957; II = 1963. |
DESSAU H. (1892-1916) |
Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae. Berlijn (Herdruk Zürich 1974). |
Imagines |
DEGRASSI A. (1965) |
Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae. Imagines. Auctarium Corporis Inscriptionum Latinarum. Berlijn. |
RITSCHL F. (1862) |
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PLEKKET H. W., STROUD R. S., edd. (1979 ss.) |
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Amsterdam |
ALFÖLDY C.( 1988) |
The social history of Rome. Baltimore [Engelse vertaling van: Römische Sozialgeschichte. Wiesbaden, 1984] |
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ALMAR K.P. (1990) |
Inscriptiones latinae. Odense |
ANDERSON. (1937) |
s. t. = 5th meeting, (over de datering van I2 1214) [in: PCPhS 8. 7-10]. |
ANDRÉ J. (1987) |
Être médecin à Rome. Parijs |
ARMINI H. (1936) |
Ad carminum epigraphicorum tertium volumen adnotatiunculae. [in: Eranos 34. 104-141]. |
BADIAN E. (1958) |
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BANDELLI G. (1975) |
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BARDON H. (1952) |
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BARNABEI F. (1888) |
s. t. (Opgravingsverslag) [in: NSA. 531] |
BARTELINK G. J. M. (1982) |
Klassieke Letterkunde. Utrecht / Antwerpen |
BEARE W. (1964) |
The Roman stage. A short history of Latin drama in the time of the Republic. Londen |
BELTRAN A. (1950) |
Las inscripciones funerarias en cartagena. [in: Archivo Español de Arqueología 23. 385 ss.] |
Filiation by cognomen. [in: Epigraphica 55. 103-112] |
Les Étrusques et l' Italie avant Rome. s.l. (ed. Gallimard) |
BIRT T. (1920-1924) |
Eine Siegeschrift und geographische Karte des Tudianus. [in: RhM 73. 307-320] |
The Oxford History of the Classical World. New York / Oxford |
BODEL J. ed. (2001) |
Epigraphic evidence. Ancient history from inscriptions. Londen / New York |
BORMANN E. (1884) |
Die Grabinschrift des Dichters Pacuvius und des Libertus Marcius Philotimus. [in: Arch. Epigr. Mitt. VIII. 227-294 en AE 1885 n° 66] |
BORMANN E. (1912) |
Zu den neu entdecten Grabschriften jüdische Katakomben von Rom. [in: WS 24. 358-368] |
Manuale dei dialetti Italici. Bologna |
Histoire de la divination dans L’ antiquité. Paris |
BROUGHTON T. R. S. (1951/1952) |
The Magistrates of the Roman Empire. (2 vol.). New york |
BÜCHELER F. (1882) |
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BÜCHLER F. (1890) |
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BUCKINX A. (1972) |
Bijdrage tot de studie der cognomina van libertinae te Rome volgens de inscripties. Leuven (thes.) |
BURFORD A. (1972) |
Craftsmen in Greek and Roman Society. Londen |
CAGNAT R. (1914) |
Cours d’épigraphie latin. Paris. [Herdruk: Rome, 1964. Alle verwijzingen naar deze herdruk] |
Epigrafia Latina. Milaan |
Zur Deutung des Grabmals von M. Vergilius Eurysaces. [in: Acta Archeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 27. 157-161] |
CASTREN P. (1975) |
Ordo Populusque Pompeianus. Polity and society in Roman Pompeii. Rome |
CHAMPEAUX J. (1990) |
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CHOLODNIAK J. (1904) |
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CIAVARINI C. (1893) |
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COARELLI p. (1973) |
Il sepolcro degli Scipioni. Rome [= Afzonderlijk gepubliceerd excerpt uit Dialoghi di archeologia 6] |
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COLE T.(1969) |
The saturnian verse. [in: YClS 21. 3-73] |
Atlas van het Romeinse rijk. Amsterdam / Brussel |
COURTNEY E. (1993) |
The fragmentary Latin Poets. Oxford |
COURTNEY E. (1995) |
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CRINITI N. (1988) |
Tavole di conguaglio fra il Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum e I Carmina Latina Epigraphica. Rome |
CROS P. (2001) |
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CUGUSI P. (1996) |
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DAVID J. M. (1996) |
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DEGRASSI A. (1962) |
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DE ROSALIA A. (1972) |
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DE RUGGIERO E. (1894) |
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DIXON S. (1991) |
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DREXLER H. (1967) |
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DUFF A. M. (1958) |
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ECK W. (1984) |
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ERNOUT A. (1967) |
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FLORY M. B. (1984) |
Where women precede men. Factors influencing the order of names in Roman epitaphs. [in: CJ n° 79. 216-224] |
FLOWER H. I. (1996) |
Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture. Oxford |
FRANKLIN J. L. (1991) |
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FRASCATI S. (1997) |
La collezione epigraphica di Giovanni Battista De Rossi presso il Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Città Del Vaticano |
GAGÉ J. (1977) |
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GALLETIER E. (1922) |
Étude sur la poésie funéraire romaine d’après les inscriptions. Parijs |
GAMBERALE L. (1998) |
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GARDNER J. F. (1993) |
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GATTI (1901) |
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GENTILI B. (1990) |
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GIGANTE A. (1979) |
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GOEGEBEUR W. (1999) |
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GORDON A.E. (1935) |
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GUMMERUS H. (1915) |
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GWYN MORGAN M. (1973) |
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HARRIS W. V. (1989) |
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HÄUSLE H. (1980) |
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