De economische rol van vrouwen zoals blijkt uit de werken van Cicero. (Annelies Van den Bruele)


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1. Bronnen


CICERO, ad Atticum, English translation by E.O.Winstedt M.A., in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, I-III, 1956, 1953, s.d.


CICERO, ad familiares, English translation by W.Glynn Williams M.A., in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, I-IV, 1958, 1959, 1960 en 1979.


CICERO, ad Quintum fratrem, English translation by W.Glynn Williams M.A., in: Loeb Classical Library,  London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1979.


CICERO, de haruspicem responsis, English translation by N.H.Watts, in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1959.


CICERO, in Verrem, English translation by L.H.G.Greenwood M.A., in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, I-II, 1959 en 1960.


CICERO, de paradoxa stoicorum, English translation by H. Rackhan M.A. in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1960.


CICERO, Philippici, English translation by Walter C.A.Ker M.A., in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1957.


CICERO, Pro Caecina, English translation by H.Grose Hodge, in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinmann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1959.


CICERO, Pro Caelio, English translation by R.Gardner N.C.M.A., in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1958.


CICERO, Pro Cluentio, English translation by H.Grose Hodge, in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1959.


CICERO, Pro Plancio, English translation by N.H.Watts, in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1961.


CICERO, Pro Quinto Roscio Comoedo, English translation by John Henry Treese, in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1961.


CICERO, Pro Sestio, English translation by R.Gardner N.C.M.A., in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusets, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1958.


CICERO, Pro T. Annio Milone, English translation by N.H.Watts B.A., in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 1958.


CORNELIUS NEPOS, The life of Atticus, English translation by E. Seymour Forster M.A., London-Camebridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD_Harvard University Press, 1996, V.3.


DIGESTEN, in: Corpus Iuris Civilis, vertaald door SPRUIT J.E., BONGENAAR K.E.M., DE LIGT L. e.a., Zutphen-‘s Gravenhage, Walburg Pers-Sdu Uitgevers Juridisch en Fiscaal, IV, 1997.


GAIUS, Institutiones door Mr. Jr. A.C. Oltmans, Haarlem, H.D. Tjeenk Willink en zoon N.V., 1958, LIII + 273 p.


JUSTINIANUS, Institutiones, in: Corpus Iuris Civilis, vertaald door SPRUIT J.E., BONGENAAR K.E.M., DE LIGT L., e.a., Zutphen-‘s Gravenhage, Walburg Pers-Sdu Uitgevers Juridisch en Fiscaal, I, 1933.


PLINIUS, Naturalis Historia, English translation, in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Camebridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, VII, 1942, XLVIII.158.


PLUTARCHUS, Bioi parallelloi: Cicero, English translation by Perrin B., William Heineman LTD-Harvard University Press, London-Cambridge Massachusetts, VII, 1958.


POLYBIUS, The Histories, English translation by W.R. Paton, in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Camebridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, VI, 1954, XVIII.35.6 en XXXI.27.


VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Memorable doings and sayings, English translation by D.R. Shakleton Bailey, in: Loeb Classical Library, London-Camebridge Massachusetts, William Heinemann LTD-Harvard University Press, 2000, VIII.13.6.



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