Jungle Book herbekeken. Kipling, Disney & jeugdadaptaties. (Nienke van Son) |
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Zelfstandige publicaties
Primaire bronnen
Barends, Anthe, Moo, een kind bij de wolven, Zutphen, 1988
Bayley, Nicola, Jungle Boek, Mowgli’s verhaal, Londen, 2005
Daems, Ilse, Djungelboek, 1985
Kipling, Rudyard, All the Mowgli Stories, London, 1933
Kipling, Rudyard, The Jungle Book, The Second Jungle Book, Just so Stories, Puck of Pook’s Hill, Kim, New York, 1986
Reitherman, Wolfgang, Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book, 1967 (DVD)
Walt Disney Records, The Jungle Book: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack from the Animated Classic, Burbank, 1990 (CD)
Trenbirth, Steve, Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book 2, 2003 (DVD)
Walt Disney Company, De wondere wereld van Disney: Jungle Boek, Aartselaar, 1993
Secundaire bronnen
Bal, Mieke, De theorie van vertellen en verhalen, Muiderberg, 1980
Boyum, Joy Gould, Double Exposure. Fiction into Film, New York, 1985
Bryman, Alan, Disney and his Worlds, New York, 1995
Finch, Christopher, Walt Disney, van Mickey Mouse tot Disneyland, New York, 1975
Finch, Christopher, The art of Walt Disney, New York, 1973
Fisher, Margery, Who’s Who in Children’s Literature, Londen, 1978
Ghesquière, Rita, Het verschijnsel jeugdliteratuur, Leuven, 2004
Gilmour, David, The Long Recessional: The imperial Life of Rudyard Kipling, Londen, 2003
Hürliman, Bettina, Three Centuries of Children’s Books in Europe, Londen, 1967
Jan, Isabelle, On Children’s Literature, Londen, 1973
Kipling, Rudyard Something of Myself: for my Friends known and unknown, Harmondsworth, 1977
Lambert, José en Hendrik van Gorp, “On Describing Translations”, in: The manipulation of literature. Studies in literary translation, New York, 1985
Meigs, Cornelia, Elisabeth Nesbitt & Anne Thaxter Eaton, A Critical History of Children’s Literature, a survey of children’s books in English prepared in four parts, Londen, 1969
Seymour-Smith, Martin, Rudyard Kipling, a Biography, New York, 1989
Sullivan, Zohreh T., Narratives of Empire. The Fictions of Rudyard Kipling, Cambridge, 1993
Van Gorp, Hendrik, Dirk Delabastita, Rita Ghesquière en Jan Flamend, Lexicon van Literaire Termen, Deurne, 1998
Watts, Steven, Walt Disney, Art and Politics in the American Century, In” The Journal of American History”, vol. 82 nr. 1, Juni 1995, p. 84-110 (Jstor)
Opzoekingen op internet
Rudyard Kipling – The Jungle Books
http://www.kipling.org.uk [02/09/2005]
http://www.poetryloverspage.com/poets/kipling/kipling_ind.html [02/09/2005]
http://www.online-literature.com/kipling/ [02/09/2005]
http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/B/BritEmp.asp [25/04/2006]
Walt Disney – The Jungle Book
http://www.fpx.de/fp/Disney/Lyrics/TheJungleBook.html [02/09/2005]
http://www.gravelvoice.com/change/jungle.html [16/11/2005]
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061852/ [16/11/2005]
http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Jungle_Book_(1967_movie) [16/11/2005]
The Jungle Book 2
http://www.disney.nl/Films/jungleboek2/ [16/03/2006]
http://www.digitalmediafx.com/Features/junglebook2.html [16/03/2006]
http://www.hollywood.com/movies/review/id/1707583 [16/03/2006]
http://www.fbg.be/90755 [27/04/2006]
www.thiememeulenhoff.nl [27/04/2006]
http://www.vvksm.be/iedereen/kos/takken.asp [27/04/2006]
www.taalsite.nl/lexicon/AVI/ [20/05/2006]
http://www.christofoor.nl/cgi-bin/showpage.cgi [27/04/2006]
http://www.walkerbooks.co.uk/The-Jungle-Book-0744586437 [27/04/2006]
http://www.walkerbooks.co.uk/Nicola-Bayley [27/04/2006]
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