De kracht van de middencategorie in de WTO. Een analyse van de rol en het beleid van India als opkomend ontwikkelingsland. (Karoline Van den Brande)


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Lijst van afkortingen


AMS: Aggregate Measure of Support

ATC: Agreement on Textiles and Clothing

BBP: Bruto binnenlands product

BJP: Bharatiya Janata Party

BNP: Bruto nationaal product

EU: Europese Unie

FDI: Foreign Direct Investment

GATS: General Agreement on Trade in Services

GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

IAS: Indian Administrative Service

ICS: Indian Civil Service

ILO: International Labour Organization

IMF: International Monetary Fund

IT: Information Technology

MFA: Multifiber Agreement

MFN: Most-favoured-nation

MOL: Minst ontwikkelde landen

NTBs: Non-tariff barriers

OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

PTA: Preferential Trade Agreement

Rs: Rupees

SAPTA: South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement

SIR: Second Image Reversed

SU: Sovjetunie

TRIPS: Trade-Related aspects of Intellectual Property rights

TRQ: Tariff-rate quota

UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

VK: Verenigd Koninkrijk

VN: Verenigde Naties

VS: Verenigde Staten

WTO: World Trade Organization


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