The Holocaust in movies


Dora Trif


MA American Studies

Academiejaar: 2004-2005

Universiteit Utrecht

Readers: Dr. Robert Skloot
Dr. Jaap Verheul

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1. Introduction


2. Historical and Artistic Holocaust

    2.1 Historical Holocaust

    2.2 The Artistic Holocaust


3. The Holocaust & Hollywood. The Diary of Anne Frank, The Pawnbroker, and Schindler’s List

    3.1 The Diary of Anne Frank

    3.2 The Pawnbroker

    3.3 Schindler’s List


4. Europe, Hollywood, and the Holocaust. Seven Beauties, La Vita e Bella vs. Schindler’s List

    4.1 Seven Beauties

    4.2 La Vita e Bella vs. Schindler’s List


5. Conclusions


6. Bibliography


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