COSATU en het beleid van Thabo Mbeki. (Jan Buelinckx) |
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1. Literatuurlijst
Een groot deel van de werken en artikels in deze literatuurlijst heb ik gebruikt voor de scriptie. Er staan ook boeken en artikels in die een leidraad kunnen vormen voor verdere studie en onderzoek naar Zuid-Afrika’s politieke economie.
Afrika maakt een plan (Special NEPAD). In: ‘Zuidelijk-Afrika’, nr. 4, 2002, pp. 19-28.
ANC, RDP, A Policy Framework. Te vinden op:
ANC, RDP, A Basic Guide to the Reconstruction and Development Programma. Te vinden op:
ANC, RDP, White Paper Discussion Document, september 1994. Te vinden op:
ANC, Understanding GEAR. Growth, Emplyoment and Redistribution, the Government’s new economic strategy. In: ‘Umrabulo’, 2nd Quarter, 1997. Te vinden op:
ALEXANDER (N.), An Ordinary Country. Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 2002.
BASKIN (J.), Striking Back. A History of COSATU. London, Verso, 1991, 488p.
BOND (P.) & KHOSA (M.) (eds.), An RDP Policy Audit. HSRC Publications, 1999.
BOND (P.), Elite Transition. From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa. London, Pluto Press, 2000, 318p.
BOND (P.), Cities of Gold, Townships of Coal. Trenton, Africa World Press, 2000, 400p.
BOND (P.), Against Global Apartheid. South Africa meets the World Bank, IMF and international finance. Cape Town, Juta Academic, 2001, 302p.
BOND (P.), Unsustainable South Africa. Environment, Development and Social Protest. London, Merlin Press, 2002, 480p.
BOND (P.) (ed.), Fanon’s Warning. A Civil Society Reader on NEPAD. Trenton, Africa World Press & MDC, 2002.
BOND (P.), Op zoek naar tegengif. In: ‘Zuidelijk Afrika’, nr. 3, 2002, p. 25.
BOND (P.), “Nepad, no thanks”, say African progressives.
BOND (P.), Southern African Movements seek antidotes to Neoliberalism.
BRZEZINSKI (Z.), Het grote falen. Opkomst en teloorgang van het communisme in de twintigste eeuw. Schiedam, Scriptum, 1990.
CLARK (N.L.), Manufacturing Apartheid. State corporation in South Africa. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1994, 226p.
CLING (J.P.), L’économie Sud-Africaine au sortir de l’aparteid. Paris, Karthala, 2000, 259p.
DAVIES (R.), O’ MEARA (D.) & DLAMINI (S.), The struggle for South Africa. A reference guide to movements, organisations and institutions. London, Zed Books Ltd., 1985,
DESAI (A.), We are the Poors. Monthly Review Press, 2002.
DOOM (R.), De Afrikaanse Renaissance: een tegendraads verhaal. In: ‘Internationale Spectator’, nr. 4, LV, april 2001, pp. 176-179.
FINE (B.) & RUSTOMJEE (Z.), The political economy of South Africa. From minerals-enery complex to industrialisation. London, C. Hurst & Co. Ltd., 1996, 278p.
FUKUYAMA (F.), Het einde van de geschiedenis en de laatste mens. Amsterdam, Contact, 1992, 429p.
HABIB (A.) & PADAYACHEE (V.), Afrique du Sud: pouvoir, politique et stratégie économique dans la transition démocratique. In: ‘Revue Tiers Monde’, 1999, nr. 159, pp. 499-530.
Handvest van de vrijheid (Freedom Charter). In: MANDELA (N.), Zuid-Afrika behoort aan allen die er wonen. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Jan Mets, 1988, pp. 71-76.
HART (G.), Disabling Globalisation. Places of power in post-apartheid South Africa. Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 2002.
HUNTER (M.), The post-fordist high road? A South African case study. In: ‘Journal of Contemporary African Studies’, 2000, vol. 18, nr. 1, pp. 67-90.
JACOBS (S.) & CALLAND (R.) (eds.), Thabo Mbeki’s World. The politics and ideology of the South African president. Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 2002.
LIPTON (M.) & SIMKINS (C.) (eds.), State and market in post apartheid South Africa. Boulder, Westview Press, 1993, 463p.
MAASDORP (G.) & WHITESIDE (A.), Towards a post-apartheid future: political and economic relations in Southern Africa. Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1992, 226p.
MALLABY (S.), Na apartheid. Amsterdam, Amber, 1992, 284p.
MARAIS (H.), South Africa. Limits to change. The political economy of transition. London, Zed Books Ltd., 1998, 290p.
MELI (F.), South Africa belongs to us. A history of the ANC. London, Curry, 1988, 258p.
MURRAY (M.J.), Revolution deferred. The painful birth of post-apartheid South Africa. London, Verso, 1994, 272p.
OOSTERLYNCK (S.), De recyclage va het neoliberalisme. De markten democratisch beheren kan ook zonder het volk. In: ‘Heet van de Naald’, 2 juni 2002,
OTTAWAY (M.), South-Africa: the struggle for a new order. Washington D.C., Brookings Institution, 1993, 250p.
PETTERSON (L.) (ed.), Post-apartheid Southern Africa. Economic challenges and policies for the future. London, Routledge, 1998, 356p.
POPPE (G.), Thabo Mbeki, twee jaar president van Zuid-Afrika, maar hoe lang nog? In: ‘Uitpers Webzine voor Internationale Politiek’, juni 2001. Te vinden op:
SPENCE (J.E.), Change in South Africa. London, The Royal Institute of International Affairs – Pinter Publishers, 1994, 114p. (Chatham House Papers)
STIGLITZ (J.), More instruments and broader goals: moving toward a Post-Washington Consensus. WIDER Annual Lecture, Helsinki, 07/01/1998.
STIGLITZ (J.), Perverse Globalisering. Utrecht, Het Spectrum, 2002, 285p.
SUCKLING (J.) & WHITE (L.) (eds.), After Apartheid. Renewal of the South African economy. York, Centre for Southern Africa Studies – University of York, James Currey Ltd./Africa World Press, 1988, 216p.
VAN AMERINGEN (M.) (ed.), Building a new South Africa. Ottawa, International Development Research Centre, 1995, 86p.
VAN INGELGHEM (S.), Profiel van Cosatu 1985-1992. Gent, RUG, onuitgegeven licentiaatsverhandeling politieke wetenschappen, 1993, 154p.
VAN KESSEL (I.), De agenda van de Afrikaanse Renaissance. Modernisering, traditionalisering of afrikanisering? In: ‘Internationale Spectator’, nr. 4, LV, april 2001, pp. 171-175.
WALRAET (Anne), De grenzen van post-apartheid. Brugge, Vanden Broele, 1992, 254p.
WALRAET (Anne), De politieke economie van postapartheid. Van herverdelingsoperaties naar duurzame ongelijkheid. In: DOOM (Ruddy) (red.), De structuur van de waanzin. Conflicten in de periferie. Gent, Academia Press, 2001, pp. 242-269.
WEBSTER (E.C.), The politics of economic reform: trade unions and democratisation in South Africa. In: ‘Journal of Contemporary African Studies’, 1998, vol. 16, nr. 1, pp. 39-64.
2. Krantenartikels
COSATU, SACP slate ANC ‘clique’. In: ‘Mail&Guardian’, 06/12/2002.
FORREST (D.), ANC and COSATU reconcile. In: ‘Mail&Guardian’, 25/01/2002.
KINDRA (J.), Left hails gear change in economic policy. In: ‘Mail&Guardian’, 12/04/2002.
Left seeks soul of ANC. In: ‘Mail&Guardian’, 11/10/2002.
McGREAL (C.), South Africa unions threaten split with ANC. In: ‘The Guardian’, 02/05/2001.
McGREAL (C.), South Africa hit by general strike. In: ‘The Guardian’, 30/08/2001.
McGREAL (C.), ANC fears union plot to launch rival party. In: ‘The Guardian’, 23/10/2001.
McGREAL (C.), Communists’ row with ANC tests alliance. In: ‘The Guardian’, 25/07/2002.
MSOMI (S.), Mbeki to face hostile Cosatu. In: ‘The Sunday Mail’, 17/09/2000.
MSOMI (S.), A chorus of disapproval. In: ‘The Sunday Mail’, 24/09/2000.
SEFARA (M.), ANC prepares for policy battles. In: ‘The Star’, 03/01/2003.
‘The Alliance is the sick man of the revolution.’ In: ‘Mail&Guardian’, 31/08/2001.
Union unearths prophetic ‘Mbeki’ paper. In: ‘Mail&Guardian’, 06/12/2002.
YOUNGE (G.), Life after Mandela. In: ‘The Guardian’, 16/05/2001.
3. COSATU-documenten
* Documenten
COSATU, COSATU Proposal. An Alliance Programme for Socio-Economic Transformation, July 1997. Te vinden op:
COSATU, COSATU Background Document. What is COSATU. April 1998. Te vinden op:
COSATU, Why workers should vote ANC. A message from the COSATU CEC to workers and their families. Te vinden op:
COSATU, News and Publicity – Press Statement. COSATU comments on Mebki’s speech. COSATU Communications Department – 2000-02-04. Te vinden op:…
COSATU, Address by Thabo Mbeki, President of the ANC and of the Republic, to the COSATU 7th National Congress, 18 september, 2000. Te vinden op:
COSATU, COSATU Position Paper on Privatisation. Tabled at NEDLAC, 30 july 2001. Te vinden op:
COSATU, Mobilise for the National Strike against Privatisation, August 2001. Te vinden op:
COSATU, Declarations of the COSATU Central Executive Committee on the Political challenges facing the Federation, 07 november 2002. Te vinden op:
COSATU, Political Discussion Document, december 2002. Te vinden op:
* The Shopsteward (tweemaandelijks magazine van COSATU)
Dit magazine is online te vinden op:
COSATU, GEAR – Alive and kicking. In: ‘The Shopsteward’, volume 8, nr. 1, january-february 1999.
COSATU, Editorial Comment. The challenge facing Congress. In: ‘The Shopsteward’, volume 9, nr. 3, september 2000.
COSATU, Editorial Comment. Engaging the Democratic Transition. By Zwelinzima Vavi, General Secretary, COSATU. In: ‘The Shopsteward’, volume 9, nr. 5, december 2000.
COSATU, Editorial Comment. Campaigning fo a better life for all. In: ‘The Shopsteward’, volume 10, nr. 5, august 2001.
COSATU, Editorial Comment. Create decent jobs – End Privatisation and Poverty. In: ‘The Shopsteward’, volume 11, nr. 2, juni-augustus 2002.
COSATU, Trade Union News. Who are the ultra-left? In: ‘The Shopsteward’, volume 11, nr. 4, november-december 2002.
COSATU, COSATU’s persepective on the economy. In: ‘The Shopsteward’, volume 11, nr. 4, november-december 2002.
COSATU, Trade Union News. What is the role of progressive unions in a stable democracy? In: ‘The Shopsteward’, volume 11, nr. 4, november-december 2002.
4. Belangrijke websites
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU):
South African Communist Party (SACP):
African National Congress (ANC):
NEDLAC: voornaamste sociaal-economisch overlegorgaan
Alternative Independent Development Centre (AIDC): alternatieve informatie
Indymedia South Africa: alternatieve media van Zuid-Afrikaanse andersglobalisten:
Homepage van onderzoeker Patrick Bond met overzicht van interessante artikels:
ANC African National Congress
ARMSCOR Armaments Development and Production Corporation
CANSA Campaign Against Neoliberalism in South Africa
CODESA Convention for a Democratic South Africa
COSATU Congress of South African Trade Unions
ESCOM Electricity Supply Commission
FEDUSA Federation of Unions of South Africa
FITU Federation of Independent Trade Unions
GATT General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services
GEAR Growth, Employment and Redistribution Strategy
IFP Inkatha Freedom Party
IMF International Monetary Fund
ISCOR Iron and Steel Corporation of Sout Africa
LRA Labour Relations Act
MERG Macro Economic Research Group
NACTU National Council of Trade Unions
NDR Nationaal-Democratische Revolutie
NEDLAC National Economic Development and Labour Council
NEM Normative Economic Model
NEPAD New Economic Partnership for African Development
NP Nationale Partij
NNP Nieuwe Nationale Partij
NUM National Union of Mineworkers
NUMSA National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa
PAC Pan-Africanist Congress
RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme
SAA South African Airways
SACOL South African Confederation of Labour
SACP South African Communist Party
SACTU South African Congress of Trade Unions
SACU South African Customs Union
SADCC Southern African Development Coordination Conference
SANCO South African National Civics Organisation
SANGOCO South African Non-Governmental Organisation Coalition
SASOL South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation
SATS South African Transport Services
SANCO South African National Civic Organisation
TAC Treatment Action Campaign
THEMBA There Must Be an Alternative
TINA There Is No Alternative
UWUSA United Workers’ Union of South Africa (Inkatha-affiliated)
WB Worldbank
WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development
WTO World Trade Organisation
1. Welke vakbonden ressorteren onder de vakbondsfederatie COSATU?
Er ressorteren 20 vakbonden onder COSATU:
1. CEPPWAWA Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers Union
2. CW Communication Workers Union
3. DENOSA Democratic Nursing of South Africa
4. FAWU Food and Allied Workers’ Union
5. NEHAWU National Education Health and Allied Workers Union
6. NUM National Union of Mineworkers
7. NUMSA National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa
8. PAWE Performing Arts Workers’ Equity
9. POPCRU Police and Prisoners Civil Rights Union
10. RAPWU Retail and Agricultural Processing Workers Union
11. SAAPAWU South African Agricultural Plantation and Allied Workers’ Union
12. SACCAWU South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers’ Union
13. SACTWU Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union
14. SADNU South African Nurses’ Union
15. SADTU South African Teachers Union
16. SAFPU South African Football Players Union
17. SAMWU South African Municipal Workers Union
18. SASAWU South African State and Allied Workers Union
19. SASBO SASBO The Financial Union
20. SATAWU South African Transport and Allied Workers Union
2. Organigram van de structuur van COSATU
Uit: BASKIN (J.), Striking Back. A history of COSATU. London, Verso, 1991, p. 56.
EXCO: Executive Committee
CEC: Central Executive Committee
REC: Regional Executive Committee