De opkomst van de volwassenencartoon: SOUTH PARK. (Andras Avonts)


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Bijlage 1: Medewerkers aan South Park en hun bevoegdheden


Executive Producers & Creators: Trey Parker, Matt Stone
Executive Producer: Anne Garefino
Supervising Producer: Frank Agnone
Associate Producer: Jennifer Howell
Production Manager: Daryl Sancton
Production Manager: Paula Homlburg
Production Accountant: Alecia Shyngle
Assistant Production Accountant: Steve Neuvenheim
Assistants to Executive Producers: Bill Wohlken
Production Coordinator: Joshua Fogel
Production Assistants: Newton Cox, Christian Vigeland, Chris Romano, Jon Abraham
Weekend Production Assistans: Michael Roitman, Katie Mowatt, Charles Hornsby

Post Production Supervisor: John A. Hansen
Production Coordinator: Mark Munley
Post Production Coordinator: Andy Kemler
Audio Producer: Bruce Howell
Audio Editor: Lydia Quidilla, David Allen Young
Editor: Keef Bartkus, Tom Vogt
Assistant Editor: David List
Composer: Scott Nickoley and Jamie Dunlap

Storyboard and Production Artist Supervisor: Adrien Beard
Storyboard and Production Artist: Anthony E. Postma, Greg Postma, Keo Thongkham

Director of Animation: Eric Stough
Systems Administrator: J.J. Franzen, Sean Laverty
Animation and Technical Supervisor: Toni Nugnes
Lead Technical Director: Jenny Shin
Technical Directors: Amir Bahadori, Javier Bello, Joseph Gerges, Wonnie Jung, Chris Fria, Gil Nevo, Melanie Stimmell, Omar Smith, Valentin Sinalo, Jessica Coate, Daniel Lindsey, Mun Pook Lui
Lead Animator: Ryan Quincy
Animators: Andy Arett, Todd Benson, Chris "Crispy" Brion, Matt Brown, Michelle Burry, Karen Knight, David Koch, Jason Lopez, Junichi Nishimura, Scott Oberholtzer, Jack Shih
Licensing Artist: Erick Thorpe

Lip Sync Supervisor: David Thergood, James Dion, Holly Wenger
Lip Sync Artist: Amy Haber, Vickie Mendoza, Jonathan G. Robert, Brian Gabriel, Rachel Flowers


Staff Writers:
Kyle McCulloch
Ericka Rivinoja
Vernon Chatman

Pam Brady
Matt Prager
Vernon Chatman

Breayle Riess



Bijlage 2: South Park Technical Flo-Chart

Creators and Show Writers
- Deliver Script draft

Post Production Coordinator:
- Distributes script to the Staff
Producers, Directors, Department heads etc.

Audio Department:
- Records dialogue with Matt and Trey.
- Assembles a dialogue bed as per script for the Editor.

-Temp Lead Sheet: Identifies
1) New Characters
2) New Locations, Backgrounds
3) New Props

Storyboard Department:
- Supervisor lays out script with department
- Storyboarding begins.

*Please note our time frame for storyboarding an entire episode is highly unusual.

- One member of the department begins works on designing characters on Corel Draw.
Locations and Props go through an approval process. Once theses elements are approved by the show creators, they are exported as files for the Technical Directors to use for the actual modeled elements in the show.

- Once sequences are completed in storyboard form they are handed off to the Assistant Editor. The Assistant Editor scans the storyboard panels into an Avid station and prepares those elements for the Lead Editor.
- The Animatic cut begins. The Lead Editor begins cutting storyboards to the Dialogue bed that the Audio department has assembled.
- The sequence is rolled off to VHS.

Post Production:
- The post production team walks through the VHS roll off with the storyboards in hand. They cut and paste the storyboards and dialogue to reflect the edited version of the sequence. These storyboards are sent to the Animation Director for notes and approvals.

Animation Director:
- Prepares the storyboards.
1) Makes any staging changes, content changes, or cut shots.
2) Makes notes for the Technical Direction department.
3) Makes notes for the Animation department.
4) Shot numbers are assigned.

Post Production:
- Each shot is loaded into a database called a Lead Sheet. The Lead Sheet is used as the number one vehicle for tracking each frame of animation and includes:
1) Shot number and total frame count
2) Shot description and location
3) Artist assigned to the shot and a due date for completion of the shot
4) Shots approved or Revision notes given

Animation and Technical Supervisors
- Assign shots to either the animation, lip sync, or technical director departments along with a due date.

Technical Directors:
- Any new Character, Location or Prop modeling is imported in from the Storyboard department's final approved file and any elements needed for the show are completed before the shots are started.

Lip Sync:
- The Lip Sync department manipulates mouth packs for all the characters in shots completed by the Technical Directors that day.

- Animators complete the scene

Systems Administration:
- This department watches over the entire technical structure of the show.
- Once a shot has been sent by an Animator to the Render station, it is automatically moved into Render mode and a 3-2 pulldown, which converts the shot from a 24 frame per second shot to a 30 frame per second shot.

- Shots are batch digitized and the Editor cuts in the animation which is prepared for a retake session (dailies session).

Retake Session:
- Once a batch of shots is ready to be seen, a Retake session takes place. Matt, Trey and the Animation Director walk through each shot and give an approval note or a retake and fix it note. These notes are handed off to the Post Production department and entered into the Lead Sheet.
- The notes from each retake session are distributed to the Technical Directors, the Animators, and the Lip Sync Artists. The person assigned to the shot addresses the note given.
- Shots are fixed and resubmitted to the render station so they can be seen in the next retake session.

Audio Department:
- The Audio department is updated throughout the process of the episode allowing them to stay current with sound design, music, ADR and story.
- Matt and Trey work with the Audio department on the final mix for air.



Bijlage 3: Lijst van persartikels uit hoofdstuk 4




ANDREWS, N. (26.08.1999). A freedom campaign of demonic exuberance. The Financial Times. p. 9.

Attention: gamins méchants!. (01.03.2000). La Libre Culture. z.p.

BHATTACHARYA, S. (06.08.2000). Homer’s Oddysey. The Observer. z.p..

BRADFER, F. (29.02.2000). South Park ouvre le Festival du dessin animé. Le Soir. z.p.

CARELS, E. (08.03.2000). Onderbroekenlol voor gevorderden. Tijd Cultuur. z.p.

CLIFF, N. (26.08.1999). Oh, my God, they slay me. The Times, z.p.

De gentils jurons. (05.03.2000). Le Soir. z.p.

DUYNSLAEGER, P. (26.02.2000). Grensverleggend. Knack. p. 6.

DUYNSLAEGER, P. (08/03/2000). Seks met Saddam. Knack. p. 18.

HARVEY, D. (28.06.1999). Bigscreen ‘Park’ hits the mark. Variety, z.p.

LALANNE, J.-M. (25.08.1999). Kenny est mort, vive Kenny. Libération. p. 24.

MARTENS, E. (08.03.2000). South Park: De omgekeerde Disney. De Standaard. z.p.

MOINS, P. (01.03.2000). Plus long(ue), plus grand(e) et pas coupé(e). Le Matin. p. 24.

OCKHUYSEN, R. (03.02.2000). Onder de wol met Sadam en de duivel. De Volkskrant, z.p.

POLOME, P. (15.02.2000). De South Park à … Anne Frank. Le Matin. p. 22.

RICHARD, E. (25.08.1999). Nous n’avons plus les pieds sur terre. Libération. p. 24.

RUTTEN, C. (01.03.2000). South Park 1 – Censuur 0. Het Belang van Limburg. z.p.

South Park. (02.03.2000). De Morgen. z.p

South Park: bigger, longer & uncut. (01.03.2000a). Gazet van Antwerpen. z.p.

South Park: bigger, longer & uncut. (01.03.2000b). Belang van Limburg. z.p.

South Park: de quoi vous décrasser les mirettes. (01.03.2000). Le Soir. z.p.

South Park: bigger, longer & uncut. (01.03.2000c). Brussel deze week. z.p.

South Park: bigger, longer & uncut. (01.03.2000d). HJD Cultuur. z.p.

South Park: bigger, longer & uncut. (02.03.2000). De Morgen. z.p.

The Arts. (z.d.). The Financial Times. p.13.

Un dessin animé au vitriol. (26.08.99). Le Monde. z.p.

Vilains garnements. (03.03.2000). Le Vif/L’express, z.p.

WAXMAN, S. (14.06.2000). Nieuwe tekenfilms mikken niet alleen op kinderen: Hollywood-produkties worden volwassen. De Standaard. z.p.

WIJNEN, L. (04.03.2000). Punkpop van papier. De Morgen, z.p.





RICHARD, E. (25.08.1999). Nous n’avons plus les pieds sur terre. Libération. p. 24.

WIJNEN, L. (04.03.2000). Punkpop van papier. De Morgen, z.p.



Bijlage 4: Kwantitatieve analyse


Volwassen thema’s:


-103: jagen

-104: homofilie

-105: genetica

-106: euthanasie

-109: armoede

-214: auteursrechten

-216: charles manson

-217: groot- vs kleinhandel

-301: regenwoud

-302: impotentie

-306: seksueel misbruik

-308: overheidsincompetentie

-309: religieuze discriminatie

-311: 3e wereld

-313: publiek vs thuisonderwijs

-317: incest

-401: discriminatie

-403: immigratie

-404: overdreven gebruik tranquilizers

-406: pedofilie

-407: klassieke vs alternatieve geneeskunde

-408: racisme

-410: geloof

-411: geloof (sequel)

-413: verkiezingen

-414: handicaps

-415: prostitutie

-416: kindermolestaties

-503: discriminatie holebi's

-504: sektes

-507: seksuele educatie

-509: afghanistan

-511: stereotypes

-512: sociale klassen

-513: stamcellenonderzoek

-602: dieetprogramma's

-605: eco-terrorisme

-608: katholiek geloof (seksuele delicten priesters)

-611: (mediaberichtgeving) kindermisbruik

-614: intolerantie

-701: pro/anti-oorlog discussie

-706: corruptie bij politie

-707: onteigeningen

Kinderlijke thema’s:

-102: essay wedstrijd

-107: halloween

-108: nieuwe leerling

-204: briss (besnijdenisfeest)

-210: waterpokken

-304: klasgevecht

-307: babysitten

-312: halloween

-316: fysieke groei

-412: opgroeien

-501: kinderlijke pesterijen

-506: cartmanland

-610: puberteit

-616: ouder-kind gesprekken over alcohol & drugs


Platvloerse thema’s:

-110: kerstdrol

-201: scheten met t&p

Neutrale thema’s:

-101: ruimtewezens

-111: jaloezie binnen relatie

-112: stop de slechte

-113: zoektocht naar vader

-202: zoektocht naar vader II

-203: stop de slechte

-205: fysieke afwijking

-206: wraak

-207: herinneringen ophalen

-208: vuurwerk

-209: filmfestival

-211: bedrog planetarium

-212: liefde & familie

-213: stadsfestival (cow days)

-215: parallel universum

-218: ijsman

-303: succubus

-305: overleden diersoort

-310: japanse oorlogsplannen

-314: reconstructie civil war

-315: kerstmis

-402: tandenmaffia

-405: misbruik in relatie

-409: boysbands

-417: kerstmis

-502: vloeken

-505: breuk showbusinessduo

-508: stop de slechten

-510: gevoel voor humor

-514: liegen

-601: fysieke afwijkingen

-603: skiën

-604: televisie

-606: vriendengroep

-607: intertextualiteit (simpsons)

-609: film remakes

-612: ladder naar de hemel

-613: lord of the rings

-615: het paranormale

-617: kerstmis

-702: bendes

-703: silence of the lambs

-704: reality tv

-705: jennifer lopez


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