The Spatial Imagination of Oromia: The Ethiopian State and Oromo Transnational Politics. (Bas van Heur) |
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ENLF: Ethiopian National Liberation Front
EPLF: Eritrean Peoples’ Liberation Front
EPRDF: Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front
EPRP: Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Party
ESUE: Ethiopian Students Union in Europe
ESUNA: Ethiopian Students Union in North America
FDRE: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
ICH’AT: Revolutionary Struggle of the Ethiopian Oppressed
IFLO: Islamic Front for the Liberation of Oromia
MEISON: All Ethiopian Socialist Movement
OALF: Oromo-Abbo Liberation Front
OAU: Organization of African Union
OLC: Oromo Liberation Council
OLF: Oromo Liberation Front
ONA: Oromian National Academy
ONC: Oromo National Congress
ONDM: Oromo National Democratic Movement
OPDO: Oromo Peoples’ Democratic Organization
OPLF: Oromo Peoples’ Liberation Front
OPLO: Oromo Peoples’ Liberation Organization
ORA: Oromo Relief Association
OSA: Oromo Studies Association
OSG: Oromia Support Group
POLISARIO: Frente Popular para la Liberacion de Saguiet el Hamra y Rio de Oro
POMOA: Peoples’ Office for Mass Organizational Affairs
SADR: Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
SALF: Somali Abbo Liberation Front
TGE: Transitional Government of Ethiopia
TPLF: Tigrayan Peoples’ Liberation Front
UN: United Nations
UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
ULFO: United Liberation Forces of Oromia
UOE: Union of Oromo in Europe
UONA: Union of Oromo in North America
UOSNA: Union of Oromo Students in North America
UOPL: United Oromo Peoples’ Leadership
UOSE: Union of Oromo Students in Europe
WPE: Workers’ Party of Ethiopia
WSLF: Western Somalia Liberation Front
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